Building codes are regulations governing the design, construction, remodeling and maintenance of structures. These very extensive rules list the minimum requirements to protect the health, safety and well-being of building inhabitants and their neighbors. In California, the building codes are regulated by the California Building Standards Commission. Our statewide code must be used as a minimum in all communities in California. The California code can be amended at the local level by city or county building departments who interpret and enforce the building code in their community. State law allows more lenient building code requirements for some elements of ADU construction.
Similar to the requirements for building a new home, the building code includes long lists of construction, structural, fire, and life safety requirements for ADUs whether it is a new building, remodel or garage conversion. The code covers things like structural design, fasteners, materials, construction of walls, roofs, and floors, water resistance, ventilation, lighting, doors and windows, emergency exiting, and many other issues. While there are many books designed to allow consumers to get an overview of the code, they do not substitute for a working knowledge of the code itself. Architects work with the local version of the Building Code every day and typically know how local authorities interpret and enforce it.